Terina_stater obverse
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AR stater 7.5486 g, 18.6 mm
Circa 400-356 BC
1. Regling, Kurt. 1906. Terina. Page 28 MM/πππ. Plate I MM and plate III πππ. Berlin:Druck und Verlag von Georg Reimer.
2. Evans, Arthur J. 1912. Engravers of Terina and Signature of Evanetos. In The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society. 1912 - Part I. Page 46 #20 and Plate IV #20. Detail on page 47. London: Bernard Quaritch.
3. Holloway, R. Ross and G. Kenneth Jenkins. 1983. Terina. Page 38 #84 and Page 54 #84. Enlargement on Page 69. Bellinzona: Edizioni Arte e Moneta.
Head of numph facing right with an elaborate hair style, and wearing triple drop earring and a necklace.
Nike seated on cippus, wearing a chiton and himation, and with a bird standing on her right hand.
On Nike's ampyx: ΕΥΑ ins very small letters, see the Arthur Evans reference.