Alexander the Great Pergamon stater obverse
Alexander III
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AR stater 8.6011 g, 17.7 mm
Pergamon mid to late 330's BC
1. de Callataÿ, François. 2012. Les statères de Pergame et les réquisitions d'Alexander le Grand. In Revue Numismatique 169e Volume. Page 184 j (this coin). Société Paris: Française de Numastique.
2. Westermark, Ulla. 1979. Notes on the Saida hoard (IGCH 1508). In Nordisk Numismatisk Årsskrift. 1979-1980. Page 28 f, page 29 #36-37, and pages 30-32. Oslo - Bergen - Tromsø: Universitetsforlaget.
3. Head, Barclay V. 1932. A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks Page 52 #25 and Plate28 #25. London: British Museum.
4. Babelon, Jean. 1930. Catalogue de la Collection de Luynes. III. Page 22 #2493 and Plate XCIII #2493. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale.
Head of Heracles, facing right, wearing a lion skin.
A circular incuse containing a statue of Pallas Athena standing, facing, holding a spear as if to hurl it. On her left arm, a shield with a four-pointed star, a fillet hanging below. On the left, a crested Corinthian helmet.